If we come to think about it, our everyday life is a series of trade-offs. But not in the way it used to be once, selecting out of two desired options. Today, trade-offs are more demanding, and cause frustration. Especially, given that every single euro we are about to spend needs to be well thought out and fully justified.
We have definitely caught ourselves camouflaging our desires into needs so as to pass them through our tight budget.
What does that mean? For starters any product, activity needs to be exceptionally good in order to prevail in this trade off, especially since it falls into a comparison with many different things. It must be either of undoubtable value and importance or it must be very emotionally rewarding to the individual.
18-24 seem less willing to sacrifice entertainment and continue to consider it money well spent. Accordingly for 25-34 traveling | vacations is something they prioritize, as very important to keep them going, as an inner need to cut off and escape from reality.
However, for 45+ it seems that trade-offs are more in the direction of sacrifices. These targets are likely to suppress their desires and wants in order to meet the obligations, more basic needs and things that have to do with their kids, like education, training, activities or clothing.